Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Stretching out the sun...

Cockburn St., Edinburgh

Today was the first Spring-smelling day of 2009. I emerged from the house, after a terrible sickness has kept me indoors for a few days and found it was actually warmer outside than in. No surprise, I guess, since we live semi-underground in Old Town where all the buildings are shimmied up right next to each other. We don't see much natural light...although I took this picture in the fall, where the days were slowly getting shorter and shorter, I'm looking forward to the spring where the reverse happens and I can leave work with plenty of chance for sun action. 
As it stands now, I leave at 5 and get about a good 30 minutes of sunset (if there is a sun) before it's black once again. And not only is Scotland a gray country to begin with, but since we're so far north the winter days include less than 7 hours of daylight. 
Bring on the sun...!

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