Saturday, 18 April 2009

Prague update!

Woo, Prague!

M and I arrived Thursday. We rented a flat which faces into a beautiful, lush courtyard on the West side of the Charles Bridge. It's amazing...
Just a quick update from the Czech Info Centre to say I love Prague. Sunny Thursday, cloudy and cold the last few days though...kind of Scottish. The beer is dirt cheap, the people are awesome (although they most likely don't understand us). I'm probably going to gain about 30 pounds from the beer and greasy, decadent food.
We went to the ossuary in Kunta Hora yesterday...saw a chandelier made of bones. Rad. Figured out the Czech Rail System and made it back to Prague. Today we are hanging around the Easter Market that's been set up in the Old Town Square, just walking around with pints and enjoying the festivities. We just got back from the Torture Museum, where we saw three floors of torture devices. Ah.
Now, off for more walking and tomorrow we train to Vienna!

Salut a tous,

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